The deepest gorge in the South West, with a spectacular 30m waterfall.
The gorge is an amazing place to visit at any time of the year. The wildlife, river, plants and trees provide a stunning show each and every day.
Dippers and wagtails can be seen flying low over the river, while woodland birds can be spotted darting about in the trees.
Bluebells and wild garlic provide a heady scent and patchwork quilt of green, white and blue in May. Throughout the spring and summer other wildflowers add to the array of colours from pink purslane to the yellows of primroses and buttercups. The trees provide a spectrum of colour from the bright greens of the spring to the rich reds, oranges and yellows of autumn.
Lydford Gorge
Tavistock, Devon
EX20 4BH
01822 820320