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Where will the trails lead you? Explore them on bike or foot, try some outdoor activities or relax at the Tamar Trails Centre. 

There are 25 km of dedicated off-road mountain biking trails to entice families and committed bikers alike. You can enjoy activities like Tree Surfing, Canoeing or Archery. 

The trails are free to use and open all year round. There is a parking fee of £2 for the day, and free after 6pm.

Woodlands Gulworthy
Tavistock, Devon
PL19 8JE

01822 833409

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We want you to get the most out of your visit to Tavistock, here you will find all the information you need to plan your visit so no time will be wasted when you arrive.


Tavistock Visitor Information Centre, Guildhall Gateway Centre

Guildhall Square

Tavistock, Devon PL19 0AE

Tel: 01822 813946 

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Many thanks to Robin Rich who kindly supplied many of the photographs on the website.

Website updates and Visit Tavistock development part funded by the European Regional Development Fund

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